승객 고지사항(국제 운송)

Reservations  예약

Passenger may reserve a seat via Xiamen Airlines or its authorized sales agents and board flights by presenting a ticket with a confirmed seat. Passenger who has successfully reserved a seat should make payment within the specified ticketing time limit as advised by Xiamen airlines or mutually agreed, otherwise, the reservation may be cancelled.

승객은 샤먼항공 또는 샤먼항공의 공식 판매 대리점을 통해 좌석을 예약하고 확약된 좌석이 있는 항공권을 제시하고 항공편에 탑승할 수 있습니다. 좌석을 성공적으로 예약한 승객은 샤먼 항공의 권고 또는 상호 합의에 따라 지정된 발권 기한 내에 결제하여야 하며, 그렇지 않은 경우 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.

Travel Documents  여행 서류

While checking in and processing outbound formalities, passenger must hold valid passports, visas and all other documents required by laws, regulations or orders of the countries concerned. Xiamen Airlines is not liable to passengers for losses or expenses incurred by passenger''s failure to submit the required documents, and Xiamen Airlines reserves the right to refuse the carriage of such passengers.

탑승 수속을 하고 출국 절차를 진행하는 동안 승객은 유효한 여권, 비자 및 관련 국가의 법률, 규정 또는 명령에서 요구하는 기타 모든 서류를 소지해야 합니다. 샤먼항공은 승객이 필요한 서류를 제출하지 않아 발생한 손실이나 비용에 대해 승객에게 책임 지지 않으며, 샤먼항공은 해당 승객의 운송을 거부할 권리가 있습니다.

Ticket  항공권

A ticket shall be used only by the passenger whose name is listed. Tickets shall not be transferred or altered, or they will become invalid and non-refundable.

항공권은 항공권 상에 기재된 이름의 승객 본인만 사용할 수 있습니다. 항공권은 양도 또는 변경할 수 없으며, 그렇지 않은 경우 무효 및 환불이 불가합니다.

Period of Validity  유효 기간

A ticket issued at normal fare is valid for carriage within one year from the date of commencement of travel or if no portion of the ticket is used, from the date of issue. A ticket issued at special fare is valid for carriage within the period subject to the conditions prescribed in Xiamen Airlines Regulations.

정상 운임으로 발행된 항공권은 여행 개시일로부터 1년 이내에 운송이 가능하며, 항공권의 일부가 사용되지 않은 경우 발권일로부터 유효합니다. 특별 운임으로 발행된 항공권은 샤먼항공 규정 조건에 따라 기간 내에 운송할 수 있습니다.

Fares and charges  운임 및 요금

Fares are applicable for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of final destination; Fares do not include ground and marine transportation between airports and between airports and town terminals. Any taxes, fees or charges imposed by the government or other authorities, or by the operator of the airport, will be excluded and shall be borne by the passenger.

출발지 공항에서 최종 목적지 공항까지의 운송에 대하여 운임이 적용됩니다. 운임에는 공항 간 및 공항과 시내 터미널 사이 지상 및 해상 교통편이 포함되지 않습니다. 정부 또는 기타 당국 또는 공항 운영자가 부과하는 세금, 수수료 또는 요금은 제외되며 승객이 부담해야 합니다.

Loss of ticket  항공권 분실

In case of loss of an unused ticket, the passenger should notice either Xiamen Airlines or its authorized agents in writing, including the date and place of purchase, valid identification, a certificate issued by local police authority, and other proof. Xiamen Airlines is not liable for any loss incurred by fraudulently refunded or used lost tickets before the passenger makes a loss report.

사용하지 않은 항공권을 분실한 경우, 승객은 구매 날짜와 장소, 유효한 신분증, 현지 경찰청에서 발행한 증명서 및 기타 증빙 자료를 포함하여 샤먼항공 또는 공식 대리점에 서면으로 통지해야 합니다. 샤먼항공은 승객이 분실 신고를 하기 전 분실된 항공권을 부정하게 환불하거나 사용한 손실에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.

Refunds  환불

If for any reason, the passenger fails to travel on the itinerary stated on his or her ticket, he or she may request a refund from Xiamen Airlines under related regulations. Refunds can be made only at the place where the original ticket was issued or place authorized by Xiamen Airlines.

어떤 이유로 승객이 항공권에 명시된 일정에 따라 여행하지 않은 경우 관련 규정에 따라 샤먼항공에 환불을 요청할 수 있습니다. 환불은 항공권이 최초 발행된 곳곳 또는 샤먼항공이 승인한 곳에서만 가능합니다

Check in and boarding  체크인 및 탑승

Acceptance for carriage of unaccompanied children, incapacitated passenger, pregnant women or passenger with any disease is subject to regulations of Xiamen Airlines and prior consent.

보호자 비동반 어린이, 장애인 승객, 임산부 또는 질병이 있는 승객의 운송은 샤먼항공의 규정 및 사전 동의에 따릅니다.

Carry-on items  기내 반입 품목

The weight of carry-on items for each passenger is limited to 5 kilograms, and the dimensions of such item must not exceed 20×40×55 centimeters. Carry-on items exceeding maximum weight or dimensions above should be checked as checked baggage.

각 승객의 기내 반입 물품의 무게는 5kg으로 제한되며, 해당 품목의 크기는 20×40×55cm를 초과할 수 없습니다. 위의 최대 중량 또는 크기를 초과하는 기내 반입 품목은 위탁 수하물로 위탁하여야 합니다.

Free baggage allowance  무료 수하물 허용량

For international flights operated by Xiamen Airlines the free baggage allowance will be determined either by weight or pieces. The free baggage allowance for flights to /from the United States or Canada will be calculated by the number of pieces. The free baggage allowance for flights to and from other regions and countries will be calculated by weight.

샤먼항공이 운항하는 국제선 항공편의 경우 무료 수하물 허용량은 무게 또는 개수에 따라 결정됩니다. 미국 또는 캐나다 출발/도착 항공편의 무료 수하물 허용량은 수하물 갯수로 계산됩니다. 다른 지역 및 국가를 오가는 항공편의 무료 수하물 허용량은 무게로 계산됩니다.

Baggage packing  수하물 포장

All checked baggage must be packed and locked properly and tied up securely, so that it can endure air pressure change. The carrier may refuse to accept baggage not conforming to the packing requirements or the conditions of carriage; and not be liable for damage to such baggage.

모든 위탁 수하물은 공기압 변화를 견딜 수 있도록 적절하게 포장하고 잠궈여 하며 단단히 묶어야 합니다. 항공사는 포장 요건 또는 운송 약관을 준수하지 않는 수하물 운송을 거부할 수 있으며, 그러한 수하물의 파손에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.

Prohibited carry-on or checked baggage  기내 반입 수하물 또는 위탁 수하물 금지

Passengers shall not include the following items in checked baggage or carry-on items: any combustible, explosive, corrosive, toxic, or radioactive materials, polymeric substances, magnetic substances or other dangerous items. Passengers shall not carry items prohibited to exit, entry or transit and items of limited carriage by the applicable laws, regulations or orders of any country included in the passenger’s itinerary. Passengers are not allowed to carry arms, sharp objects or lethal weapons when taking flights. Passengers shall not include fragile or perishable items, money, jewelry, precious metals, silverware, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, business documents, passports and other identification documents or samples in checked baggage. The carrier is not liable for losses incurred by passengers’ breaches of these provisions.

승객은 위탁 수하물 또는 기내 반입 수하물에 가연성, 폭발성, 부식성, 독성 또는 방사성 물질, 고분자 물질, 자성 물질 또는 기타 위험한 품목을 포함할 수 없습니다. 승객은 출국, 입국 또는 환승이 금지된 품목 및 승객의 여정에 포함된 국가의 관련 법률, 규정 또는 명령에 따라 운송이 제한된 품목을 휴대할 수 없습니다. 승객은 비행기 탑승 시 무기, 날카로운 물건 또는 치명적인 무기를 휴대할 수 없습니다. 승객은 깨지기 쉽거나 부패하기 쉬운 물품 예를들어 현금, 보석류, 귀금속, 은제품, 유통 어음, 유가 증권 또는 기타 귀중품, 비즈니스 문서, 여권 및 기타 신원 확인 서류 또는 샘플을 위탁 수하물에 포함할 수 없습니다. 항공사는 승객의 이러한 조항 위반으로 인하여 발생한 손실에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.

Items inappropriate in checked baggage  위탁 수하물에 부적절한 물품

Passengers shall not include in checked baggage important documents, data, diplomatic pouches, securities, money, money orders, valuables, fragile or perishable items, and other items that should be closely monitored. Xiamen Airlines shall have no liability for the loss or damage of such items included in checked baggage beyond the liability that applies to normal checked baggage.

승객은 중요한 문서, 데이터, 외교 파우치, 유가 증권, 현금, 우편환, 귀중품, 깨지기 쉽거나 부패하기 쉬운 품목 및 기타 지속적으로 모니터링해야 하는 품목을 위탁 수하물에 포함해서는 안 됩니다. 샤먼항공은 일반 위탁 수하물에 적용되는 책임을 초과하는 위탁 수하물에 포함된 품목의 분실 또는 손상에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.

Liability  책임

Xiamen Airlines'' liability for bodily injury of the passenger and damage or loss of checked baggage or carry-on items of the passenger is governed by relevant Conventions applied, including the "Warsaw Convention" signed on October 12, 1929, the "Hague Protocol" signed on September 28, 1955, and the "Montreal Convention" signed on May 28, 1999.

승객의 신체 상해 및 위탁 수하물 또는 기내 반입 물품의 손상 또는 분실에 대한 샤먼항공의 책임은 1929년 10월 12일에 체결된 "바르샤바 협약", 1955년 9월 28일에 체결된 "헤이그 의정서", 1999년 5월 28일에 체결된 "몬트리올 협약"을 포함하여 관련 협약의 적용을 받습니다.

Statement  성명서

This Notice to Passengers (International Carriage) is an overview of the Xiamen Airlines General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage. In addition to comply with the General Conditions of Carriage, the passenger shall also abide by other rules and regulations prescribed by Xiamen Airlines under the government laws, as well as relevant provisions in laws, orders and regulations of related countries and regions.

본 승객 고지(국제선 운송)사항은 승객 및 수하물에 대한 샤먼항공의 국제선 운송 일반 약관에 대한 개요입니다. 일반 운송 약관을 준수하는 것 외에 승객은 정부 법률에 따라 샤먼 항공이 규정한 기타 규칙 및 규정과 관련 국가 및 지역의 법률, 명령 및 규정의 관련 조항을 준수해야 합니다.