Xiamen airport transfer in a nutshell

Check-in procedures for MF812 AMS-XMN


Online check-in


MF812 passengers may check-in via https://www.klm.nl/en/check-in 30 hours before departure by filling in the 13 digits 731 E-ticket number, surname and the flight number MF812.


Airport check-in


The check-in area for MF812 in Schiphol Airport is at Departure 2. We advise you to arrive at the airport at least 2-3 hours before departure.


You can choose to check in on a self-service machine or at the check-in counter. If you cannot check in on the self-service machine, you can go to the staff or counter 15/16 for assistance.


About boarding pass


If the seat number shown on your boarding pass is SBY, please see XiamenAir staff at the boarding gate desk for a new boarding pass.


Passengers at the International Transit Zone of Schiphol Airport can use the self-service machine or go to the transfer desk T6 to print the boarding pass. If neither works, you can ask the XiamenAir staff at the boarding gate desk for assistance.


Transfer Service

Same day transfer in Xiamen

Passengers who arrive at Xiamen Gaoqi Airport with onward flights to international and regional destinations enjoy our seamless transfer service and through-checked baggage, if they hold a valid conjunction ticket with a same day transfer itinerary.

Next day transfer in Xiamen

Passengers with connecting flights on the next day need to collect their baggage at Xiamen Airport. They are eligible for free transfer lounge at the airport or free transfer hotels in Xiamen.

Passengers can go to the transfer desk at Xiamen Gaoqi Airport to request a free hotel room with breakfast*. They can also book city tours at the transfer desk to make maximum use of the transit by exploring the beautiful seaside city.

*The transportation fee (25-50 RMB for one way) between the airport and the hotel is excluded.